This U.S. company offers N95 masks now
Posted by S. Kit on
As COVID-19 continues to surge in the U.S., and new more severe variants of the virus continue to increase in Europe and the U.S., the use or personal protective equipment (PPE) such as N95 and KN95 masks has become critically important in preventing the continued spread of coronavrius. Austin Technology Supply, a U.S.-based company, offers a wide range of personal protection in a simple and convenient online store. Their mission is to offer high quality, affordable access to N95 masks to health workers but also to the general public.
Given the current state of the pandemic, masks seem to be at the top of everyone’s minds, yet many don’t quite grasp the difference between an N95 and a KN95 mask.
The N95 is considered the “gold standard” mask, and it has a Duke University study to back that up. The study showed that N95 masks (used for long-term wear and equipped with tight-fitting straps that go behind the head) are one of the safest and most effective masks on the market today. KN95 masks, with straps that go around the ears, are similar in filtration performance to N95 masks, and have also been shown to be effective against strains of COVID-19.
No matter what your medical safety needs are, Austin Technology Supply is there to help you with same-day shipping on all orders placed. Visit their website and use their live chat support tool to get your questions answered right on the spot.
Here are some of the top products that Austin Technology Supply offers:
N95 Masks - 10 Pack; 20 Pack; shop by the case
Austin Technology Supply carries high quality N95 and KN95 masks that are FDA-approved and CDC-tested. Both standard masks filter at least 95% of particles from the air and are formidable against the COVID-19 virus.
KN95 Masks
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